旧金山湾区的工程实习生年薪可达18-20美元 hour*

How important was the process of interning to Hubert Abiera (‘12 Mechanical Engineering)? 事实证明,这是至关重要的. "Having a lot of exposure to industry made me successful," he said. "Getting three internships helped me to figure out that not every engineer 大学一毕业就成为设计师."

As Abiera interned with TouchMark (biomedical devices), Gel-Pac and Plantronics, he not only honed his work skills, but also his strategy for choosing classes at 菠菜网lol正规平台. Although his initial career trajectory was not a straight line, he quickly became a designer with Intuitive Surgical, starting on the career path of his dreams.

The Charles 戴维森工程学院 trains students to be the right engineers at the right time, in the right place: Silicon Valley. 部分培训内容包括 opportunities to intern with local companies, occasionally even for school credit.

Recent 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center reports show that seniors participate heavily in career education and on-campus recruiting, but there’s far less engagement from sophomores and juniors. Yet, preparing for the college-to-work transition takes more than a semester. Students might be interested to learn that getting a paid internship or co-op nearly doubles your chances of having a job offer within six months after graduation, according to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce. Ideally, every Spartan would graduate with at least two internships or similar work-related experiences.

Catherine Voss Plaxton, director of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center, wants students to understand the rich opportunities they have at the Career Center. “我们的宪章是拥有一切 Spartan emerge career-ready [pdf] 并为终身成功做好了准备。. “我们受益于当地经济 is among the top 20% of rapidly growing, prosperous, and inclusive regional economies in the U.S. In 菠菜网lol正规平台 Handshake, the campus’ career management system, thousands of internships are posted each month. Our Career Center team is ready to inspire, empower, and connect students, educators, and employers to make the most of those opportunities.”

Kelly Masegian is the Career Center’s counselor for students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. “Being proactive in your career development early on is key,” she said. “We know that engineering students in particular are hungry for those ‘soft skills’ that can help them win over interviewers and work with diverse teams, and 我们是来帮你的. When the soft skills are in place, our engineers can 让他们的技术能力真正发光.”

Masegian added, “We can coach our students on how to search for and create opportunities for internships. Internships are a great way to learn about a working environment and a career field, and they are traditionally time limited. 所以如果你尝试 out and it isn’t a good fit, you aren’t stuck, and you have learned valuable information 为你未来的职业道路. Plus, applying skills that you are learning in the classroom in a work situation can be a positive feedback loop that helps you perform better in your classes due to a deeper understanding of the concepts.”

Some students may find it challenging to prioritize the internship experience. Balancing school work, family obligations, and often other part-time work is a difficult task. Internships are designed with students in mind, and the majority of employers are 愿意根据学生的时间安排工作. 另外,实习的薪水通常和实习一样多 more than other part-time jobs, so if a student needs to work, why not work in an internship that will help them achieve their career goals? Starting early in one’s college career will also help by making an internship part of the normal routine.

Whether interning or not, engineering students at any grade level can participate 一个或两个全新的护照计划. 工程学院院长的护照 program lets students take advantage of career-prep opportunities within the College of Engineering, earn points, and cash them in for prizes.

The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center’s Career Readiness Passport program is similar, but it is open to all undergraduates. It’s acceptable to use a career-preparedness event to get points in both programs -- in fact, “double-dipping” is encouraged. 两个程序都将启动 in Fall 2018.

For more information on internships and other career development topics, check out the Career Center website, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Handshake (the Spartan career management system), and the Build Experience page for other ways to build your skills.

Resources for Students

*Number based on 284 actual engineering related internship postings (full and part-time) in Handshake for which the employers shared salary information on the job postings in 2017-18. 同一数据集的工资中位数为18美元.34/hour.